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How It Started...

In January 2016 my beautiful husband Tom and I received the news that he had cancer.  It was "advanced", they would treat it "aggressively" and he had an "out-side chance" of an operation.  He was 39 years old and I was expecting our third child just 2 weeks later.  We were prepared for another baby, we did not expect cancer.  

Like most cancer stories, ours had its ups and it had its downs and we became used to our normal.  His treatment was truly aggressive but incredibly he had that operation he was an out-side chance of having, in October 2016.  By the following January though, he was back on chemotherapy.  In March, he walked the full Marsden March!  He was truly incredible.  Our superhero.  He was loving, hardworking, fun, clever and kind.  He was our world.  

Tom passed away in June 2019 and the floor fell from under my feet.  Writing helps process all grief throws at me, and in January 2021 I was looking for a new way to focus my thoughts and writing.  This is where this blog became.  My intention is to write a short piece every month through 2021 on my feelings and our lives as the love he's left behind.  In each one I use a song, a picture book and a book aimed for older children to help inspire my writing.  I hope that my ideas will reassure and possibly help others who also walk this incredibly challenging path.  

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